The Depot at Orleans

I am not sure what the source or date of this article is. If anyone knows please let me know as I would like to include credits.

The Station closed the year that I was born, 1934. 

My father, in partnership with my uncle, Doug Wager, bought the building. Portions of it were used to put a three room addition on the Cook family home
on the other side of Flint Creek. One outstanding feature that still exists is the slate roof.

The Depot was located just south of the water tower.

     Some photographs below were supplied by
     Joyce Hollenbeck Gleason


rail road
Left to right. Adolph Heindrick, Herman Green, Henry Kinsey, Wm. Randall

This house belonged to the Green family. It was across the tracks from the Depot.
You can see the old  lower  bridge in the  background.  I watched  the  house  burn
from our house across the creek when I was very young.


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